Mobile Mower Repair -major & minor lawn equipment repair

Located in Dunkirk, Maryland – We come to you!

Secrets of Overseeding

Secrets of Overseeding

Overseeding your lawn

Tough winter? Here’s how to bring your lawn back to life, naturally.

Just like people, lawns can get tired and worn out. Heavy shade, high traffic areas, compacted soil and recurring pest infestations such as grubs can thin even the lushest turf.

One way to… Continue reading

Spring is here – Lawn Mower Maintenance

Lawn Mower Maintenance

By: Danny Lipford

There was a time when lawn work was looked on as strictly the guy’s job. In fact, it often took the strength of Hercules to pull the crank cord a minimum of 10-12 times just to start the darn machine!

Long gone are those days, though, as the lawn mower has evolved into a… Continue reading

Winter repair & maintenance for snow blowers, generators, snowmobiles and more…

cold_thermometer…the winter of 2014–15 will see below-normal temperatures for about three-quarters of the nation.
                                                                                           … Continue reading

Mobile Lawn Mower Repair Service has a new site!


No Hauling to the shop and worrying about picking it up…


Mobile Lawn Mower Repair Service does major and minor repairs and maintenance on any brand lawn tractor, at your home, we also do major and minor repairs and maintenance on, generators, Snow Blowers, Tillers, Jet Skis, 4 wheelers, ATV’s, Golf carts, etc. No job… Continue reading

Quick Contact

Mobile Mower Repair
Dunkirk, Maryland 20754

We Service:
Lawn Tractors | Generators | Snow Blowers | Tillers | Jet Skis|4 Wheeler's | ATV's | Golf Carts & more